Privacy policy

The main goals of this Privacy Policy are:

  1. The identification of our Firm;
  2. Inform you of our use, processing and possible sharing of your personal data;
  3. Inform you of our retention periods for your personal data;
  4. Indicate the means you can use to contact us; and
  5. Clarify how you can exercise the rights granted to you by law.

VAZ SERRA, CORREIA MONIZ & ASSOCIADOS, Sociedade de Advogados, SP, RL, (hereinafter “VSCM” or the “Firm”) is a law firm with its head office at Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo nº 15 – 7º andar, 1050-115 Lisboa.

VSCM undertakes to keep and protect your personal information as confidential in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the applicable legislation at all times.

VSCM will undertake all reasonable efforts to keep your personal data secure and prevent access to it by persons who are not duly authorised to do so. However, we must warn you and make it clear that the exchange of any type of information over the Internet is not completely secure and that it is therefore not possible to absolutely guarantee the security of any information exchanged to or from our site.

Your data will be used, processed and, if necessary, shared in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and Law no. 58/2019 of 08 August.

If you fill in a form provided on our website, your personal data (such as name, e-mail address, telephone number or address) will be collected by VSCM and processed in accordance with the reason why you provided it to us.


VSCM may process your personal data for the following purposes:

  1. To provide lawyers’ services and legal advice in general;
  2. To comply with legal obligations;
  3. For billing and accounting purposes;
  4. For the collection and recovery of amounts owed by Constituents to our Firm;
  5. For the purposes of selecting and recruiting any Employees of our Firm; and
  6. In the fulfilment of any legitimate interest.

VSCM will keep your personal data for the longest period of time permitted by law, namely:

  1. For as long as necessary to comply with all types of legal obligations of the firm and/or its Constituents;
  2. Twenty years after the end of a mandate or finalisation of the provision of lawyer’s services and/or legal advice in general;
  3. Ten years for tax and accounting purposes;
  4. Until outstanding amounts have been paid or the fulfilment of legitimate interests has been concluded.

What are my rights?

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and Law no. 58/2019 of 8 August 2019 list and exhaustively describe the rights you have with regard to your personal data, so we recommend that you consult these laws. For your convenience, we have summarised and described these rights, based on which you can at any time:

  1. As the owner of your personal data, you have the right to request information on whether or not it is being processed by our Firm and, if so, to request access to your personal data and other information provided for by law;
  2. Request that your personal information be rectified or supplemented without undue delay;
  3. Request that your personal data be deleted, provided that:
  4. The data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected and/or processed;
  5. The processing of the data depends on your consent and you withdraw it, and there is no other legitimate basis for the processing to continue.
  6. Request that the processing of your personal data be limited to what is strictly necessary for the purpose for which it was made available, the compliance with legal obligations arising therefrom and/or the fulfilment of legitimate interests;
  7. Withdraw your consent, if necessary, provided that this does not jeopardise the processing already carried out based on the consent previously given or any subsequent processing in the fulfilment of legitimate or legitimately established interests as a result of the initial consent such as, by way of example, the compliance with contractual or other legal obligations;
  8. Submit a complaint to the National Data Protection Commission via email:

For the purposes of exercising any of your rights mentioned above, as well as any others resulting from the legislation in force on the protection of personal data, you should contact our Firm in writing by e-mail to _____@ or by registered mail addressed to _______, to our address: Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo nº 15 – 7º, 1050-115 Lisboa, and you must provide proof of your identity so that we can ensure that you are the owner of the data in question.

This Privacy Policy may be subject to changes and/or updates according to the legislation in force at any given time or the jurisprudence of the Courts, so we recommend that you consult it periodically.

T.: +351 21 355 22 40